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真面目zhen1 mian4 mu4 true colors
眩目xuan4 mu4 dazzling
项目管理xiang4 mu4 guan3 li3 project management
鱼目混珠yu2 mu4 hun4 zhu1 to pass off fake products as genuine (idiom)
有目共睹you3 mu4 gong4 du3 sth speaks for itself
到目前为止dao4 mu4 qian2 wei2 zhi3 up until the present
最终目的 zui4 zhong1 mu4 de5 final goal
琳琅满目lin2 lang2 man3 mu4 exquisite
目标地址mu4 biao1 di4 zhi3 destination address
目标市场mu4 biao1 shi4 chang3 target market
节目表jie2 mu4 biao3
视频节目shi4 pin2 jie2 mu4 video program
闭目塞听bi4 mu4 se4 ting1 to bury one's head in the sand
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