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Querying dictionary for English phrase "" or English split phrase "" or Chinese phrase "临" or Chinese "" or Pinyin phrase "" or ""...

临县lin2 xian4 Lin county in Lliang 呂梁吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西
临时房屋lin2 shi2 fang2 wu1 temporary housing
临帖lin2 tie1 lin2 tie4 to practice calligraphy from a model
临风 lin2 feng1
临产lin2 chan3 to face childbirth
临江lin2 jiang1 Linjiang county level city in Baishan 白山, Jilin
临沂市lin2 yi2 shi4 Linyi prefecture level city in Shandong
临刑lin2 xing2 facing execution
临时政府lin2 shi2 zheng4 fu3 provisional government
超临界chao1 lin2 jie4 supercritical
临危不惧lin2 wei2 bu2 ju4 to face danger without fear
临时性lin2 shi2 xing4 provisionality
临时的本地管理接口lin2 shi2 de5 ben3 di4 guan3 li3 jie1 kou3 lin2 shi2 de5 ben3 di4 guan3 liInterim Local Management Interface

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