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Querying dictionary for English phrase "" or English split phrase "" or Chinese phrase "儿" or Chinese "" or Pinyin phrase "" or ""...

孤儿药gu1 er2 yao4 orphan drug
小儿麻痹病毒xiao3 er2 ma2 bi4 bing4 du2 poliovirus
干活儿gan4 huo2 er5 to work
拐弯儿guai3 wan1 er5 to turn a corner
烟卷儿yan1 juan3 er5 (n) cigarette
盹儿 dun3 er5
着儿zhao1 er2
窍门儿qiao4 men2 er2 a trick
药水儿yao4 shui3 er5 lotion
怎儿zen3 er2
线儿xian4 er2
行儿xing2 er2
一箍节儿的零吃yi1 gu1 jie5 er5 de5 ling2 chi1 to snack in dribs and drabs
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